On Horror

Two random facts about me. One: I scare really, really easily. Two: I love horror movies. Growing up, my mom (and various cousins) loved terrifying me with monster stories from Philippine folklore. This has instilled in me a fascination for horror movies, though I never really sought them out in childhood. There’s a movie Aswang …

The Importance of Own Voices, Take Two

I’ve had a fair bit of discussion last year over the concept of “Own Voices,” particularly with regards to AoC in SFF, and I’ve seen the conversation quite often in Twitterspace the past couple of months, which inevitably means I start to form my own opinion about it. “Does own voices mean,” some people may …

When Sometimes You Feel Like Molly Grue…

“Where have you been?” she cried. “Damn you, where have you been?” She took a few steps toward Schmendrick, but she was looking beyond him, at the unicorn. When she tried to get by, the magician stood in her way. “You don’t talk like that,” he told her, still uncertain that Molly had recognized the …