Writing Milestones: When I Stopped Giving a Fuck and Started Enjoying My Craft

In retrospect, being old(er) is kind of fun. You get to discuss boring shit like politics and actually understand them. You don’t feel obliged to stay out until 3 am getting shitfaced with strangers (okay, so I did this just the one time…). I am not ashamed to say that 10 pm is a legitimate …

Old Age

This is a scheduled blog post. I’m supposed to be out this weekend, exploring the Purcell mountains and the Okanagan with my family, so if a bear hasn’t eaten me or something yet, I should have turned 30 by now. 30 is a crazy number for me. I dealt with a lot of depression in …

Adventures. Even Bilbo Had Them…

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, my blog mixes my introverted, writer-lifestyle with my thirst for adventures and exploration. In my mind, these two interests do not meld as easily. Most days, I feel like Bilbo Baggins… “Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to …

Being a Writer Is Like Being Told To Climb a Cliff With A Spoon

When I say writer, I, of course, mean creative writer, the kind who works with fiction and has tea-parties with make-believe personalities. The cliff is typically the point where you no longer have to make the decision between burger-flipper and writer. Yes, you may earn slightly less as a writer in the long run, but at least …