The Heroes of The Agartes Epilogues: Oji

Oji alon gar Kaggawa never gets a point of view, even in the Interlude chapters, because he dies in the first chapter of Jaeth’s Eye, setting in motion the events of the entire trilogy. Why do I call him a hero, then, and not a plot device? Because, like all the characters that I define as heroes in …

Quotes From Sapphire’s Flight and Thoughts on Epic Fantasy Trilogies

I‘ve been busy adding quotes from Sapphire’s Flight on Goodreads. Go over to take a look! The Agartes Epilogues I think falls under the category of a fantasy trilogy that really should just be one big book. It’s not that each book doesn’t have their own conflicts and resolutions, but Book 1 and 2 only …

The Heroes of The Agartes Epilogues: Sapphire and Moon

The Orsalian sisters are introduced in Jaeth’s Eye, having hired Kefier as a quick guide and able body in their journeys through the wilderness in Gaspar. The sisters grew up in a poor neighbourhood in the port city of Aret-ni, on the eastern shore of Gaspar. Their mother was descended from Jinseins who traveled north across the …

Romance, and Why I Don’t Write It In My Epic Fantasies

I don’t write romance. What? You don’t believe me? Because there’s this whole romantic subplot in Jaeth’s Eye? The one involving the guy who saves the (teenage) girl a couple of times, and she reacts rather predictably? The one that I’ve personally seen set at least one reader’s heart all-a-fluttery, and him not particularly the sort …

The World of The Agartes Epilogues: Tucked in the Back Kitchen of The Wrinkled Shrew

To the Chef at The Wrinkled Shrew, I’m not sure why you think you can justify charging your patrons for serving the unpalatable slop I had the misfortune of consuming the other day. “Fried duck with deep-fried mashed potato” should be renamed “Fried feet with deep-fried lard”. My lady companion, for her part, found 3 …