The Power of Art

This is written on November 9, because, obviously. Instead of pouring my heart out on social media or checking articles and news, I chose to write a lot. I ended up with about 3100 words before the morning was over. When my husband was little, he liked to draw comics. One day, his father took …

Everybody Is Wrong and Everybody Is Right, Or, Why Opinions Are Like Assholes etc…

Fear of bad feedback is a common reason fear of writers. Even within our circle at World Tree Publishing, there is always a period of nail-biting and agonizing pain from the depths of your heart after an editor tells you, “Okay, I’m done, I’m emailing you my comments now…” But the scathing opinion of strangers, though? Ah, …

The Art of Writing

The fact that bad writing can sometimes make a lot of money used to offend me. “What!” my 17-year-old self once cried in outrage. “I could write better garbage than this! Where’s *my* mansion and limo and things?” And then I would hear about great writers who die penniless and I would be filled with …