Old Age

This is a scheduled blog post. I’m supposed to be out this weekend, exploring the Purcell mountains and the Okanagan with my family, so if a bear hasn’t eaten me or something yet, I should have turned 30 by now. 30 is a crazy number for me. I dealt with a lot of depression in …

Adventures. Even Bilbo Had Them…

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, my blog mixes my introverted, writer-lifestyle with my thirst for adventures and exploration. In my mind, these two interests do not meld as easily. Most days, I feel like Bilbo Baggins… “Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to …

Being a Writer Is Like Being Told To Climb a Cliff With A Spoon

When I say writer, I, of course, mean creative writer, the kind who works with fiction and has tea-parties with make-believe personalities. The cliff is typically the point where you no longer have to make the decision between burger-flipper and writer. Yes, you may earn slightly less as a writer in the long run, but at least …

Home, Sweet Home

By Western standards, the house in which I spent most of my childhood in would be considered appalling. Situated in a squatter’s settlement in the midst of the sprawling city, it wasn’t much bigger than the combined closets of some households. For so many years, we didn’t have running water; we had to get water …