Epic Fantasy Ramblings: I Write Epic Fantasy

I write epic fantasy. Not “diverse fantasy.” Even though it fits under that category for those looking to “expand their palate” or whatever. But I hate those words, and in private I never actually think that about my work. The dance I do to appeal to “diverse” readers is a systemic thing and I can’t …

Epic Fantasy Ramblings: Culture, Tangled Relationships, and Grey Characters

One of the most interesting things I’ve learned writing epic fantasy novels is realizing just how deeply people apply their own worldview on things. So that if something doesn’t “match,” it feels off. I write from the perspective of someone who grew up, and is still surrounded, by a culture that emphasizes getting along and …

Why My Eurocentric Settings Are Not Going Away

Diversity is trending. I hear people say that all the time. “What’s this diversity thing? Can I get in on the action? Hey, maybe I’ll write bout X because that’s what everyone is looking for right now!” I’ve seen the dismay of some people at how diversity is seen as a “flavour,” instead of a …

Worldbuilding Challenges When You’re Not the Default

One thing I’ve been sitting on is trying to explain the challenges of worldbuilding when you’re coming from a culture that isn’t the “default” seen in your genre, e.g. as mine with fantasy. I’ve mentioned before that my worldbuilding is a love letter to the Philippines. As a colonized country, the Philippines lack a unifying …