On Discovering Your Voice

This is a scheduled blog post. I am hoping by the time it publishes itself, I would have finished the first draft of my…I’ve lost count of the actual number, but what will be the seventh book I’ve completed with the intention of publishing (but because of weird scheduling issues will be the sixth out). …

Try Not To Tell, Show, But If You Show, Don’t Show Everything…

It has taken me a long time to be able to articulate my thoughts on the common debate on the show, don’t tell advice that is frequently handed down to young writers. And yes, I do believe that such a debate exists the longer you stay in this craft. Le Guin had an article about why …

My Paycheque Comes In The Form of Words

As of today, I have been writing for 24 years. The most I’ve put it off is for a couple of months or so–otherwise, I’ve been consistently writing, rewriting, plotting, planning, researching, learning, and turning the mechanics of writing over and over in my head like there’s no tomorrow. I repeatedly discuss stories with people until they …

Why I Try Not To Create Likable Characters

Like with most writers, I started out writing from the point of view of semi-Mary Sues–characters who were essentially somewhat blank, passive, and no more than tools that the reader can use to project themselves into the world. I think I’ve always known not to create outright Mary Sues, so I ended up with a …