Writing is Like Scratching an Itch That Never Goes Away

Many writers make all sorts of analogies about the process of finishing a manuscript. It’s like fighting dragons, we say. Or birthing babies. Or combating venereal disease you picked up from a love one that you now want to spread to your unsuspecting readers. We laugh about the tears and the blood and the existential …

On Editing

One of the things I learned over the last couple of years is that editing, like writing, can be a mysterious process for some people. Lots talk about it, but plenty don’t seem to have any clue what it entails. I’ve gotten the sense from some that they think that editing is like a fresh …

2017 At a Glance…Learning How To Fail Better, and Phoenixes and Shit, and Plans for the Upcoming Year

Early this year, I wrote a short story which was a better way for me to express what I’ve felt over the last year–the last eighteen months, really–than screaming at people. I published the rest of my The Agartes Epilogues trilogy in spring, a move which has caused a lot of confusion (as if the series …

On Discovering Your Voice

This is a scheduled blog post. I am hoping by the time it publishes itself, I would have finished the first draft of my…I’ve lost count of the actual number, but what will be the seventh book I’ve completed with the intention of publishing (but because of weird scheduling issues will be the sixth out). …