My Paycheque Comes In The Form of Words

As of today, I have been writing for 24 years. The most I’ve put it off is for a couple of months or so–otherwise, I’ve been consistently writing, rewriting, plotting, planning, researching, learning, and turning the mechanics of writing over and over in my head like there’s no tomorrow. I repeatedly discuss stories with people until they …

I’m Trying to Be a Writer Because I Think I Screwed Up My Kids…

I am mother to a soon to be 7-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy. Like every parent, I started out wide-eyed and hopeful, convinced that my kids are special. They can be anything they want to be, I thought, watching them as little babies, their bright little eyes looking into mine. Being the open-minded parent that …

On Inspiration

I‘d like to think that there will come a time when people will ask me where I get my inspiration from and I can actually sit down and say something meaningful, as opposed to, “Weeelp, there’s just all these voices in my head, and if I don’t do what they say…” It is true, of …