If You Can’t Walk, Crawl – 2020 and 2021 in Retrospect

We’ve heard all the jokes about the decade that is 2020 and 2021 combined, so I’m not even going to start. But on a personal level, damn, these last two years. The world fell apart while I was going through my tradpub debut launch (a whole series launch), and if I had any expectations about …

A Writer’s Journal: When It Doesn’t Get Easier, You Get Better

I remember the first time I “climbed” a mountain, or at least what felt like one. I was 15. We did the Grouse Grind and I wanted to die. I remember thinking “WHY” and “I’M NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN” and the agony of those first few days after. (It was also the first time I …

When a Writer’s Restlessness is a Good Thing

A common question authors get asked is “Which of your characters are most like you?” If you’re a smart author, you would’ve probably tried to avoid making a character TOO much like you and relied on your talent and skill to come up with some great, original characters (or, if you’re smarter, you would’ve used …

A Writer’s Drive

Being a writer is, without a doubt, one of the most frustrating things a person can decide to be. I use a variety of fun metaphors to explain exactly how frustrating (one I’ve used lately is it’s like smashing your head against a wall for a high), which still makes people sometimes wonder what on …