Jaeth’s Eye – Book Cover

I‘m back to my work today after a year of maternity leave. My job can be a bit unglamorous at times (often dealing with water mains and sanitary pump stations…yup, that shit’s gotta go somewhere…), but I like the challenge and it pays the bills, so I can’t complain. I’m actually pretty excited to get back into the thick of things.

That does mean that my writing gets shafted to the evening hours. In the past, I wrote whenever I had the time (hint: usually when I manage to stop procrastinating), but with Jaeth’s Eye coming out soon, I need to get cracking on the sequels. I’m about 60k words into the 2nd book of the series, which isn’t saying much considering I go through several drafts of a novel before I’m well content. And then of course I still have to run the manuscript through the editors at World Tree, who, despite their doe-eyed looks, are very capable of real torture. I’m talking meat cleavers and thinly-veiled sarcasm here…

So yeah. I promised the book cover. And here it is, meticulously designed by my good friend A.J. Navarre. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again–she has this amazing talent to produce exactly what’s on your mind, and then some. Or maybe it’s the years of mind transfer between us, I don’t know.