A Shout Out to the World Tree Team

Imagine a collective group of people who are motivated by very little else but showcasing quality writing. Forget that what they lack in experience, they more than make up for in passion. Work sessions are based on problem solving and mutual respect, not to mention a crap-load of natural talent and honesty.

That’s the kind of environment over at World Tree Publishing. And there’s just nothing quite like it. I’ve been involved with these people for well at least a decade now and I really want to say that without them, I would have never been able to get Jaeth’s Eye to where it is now. Which is to say…I’m holding the proof in my hands now, and words fail me. Maybe I’m just sentimental like that.

Or maybe I just really want needed to say this: there are so, so many reasons why I write, but you guys make it something I want to do, just so I can work with you. I may be bone-weary with everything else going on in my life, but you guys make me want to keep going. Thank you for that.