Writing Updates — Sapphire’s Flight On Its Last Legs…

I‘m going to have to push out some of my ridiculously fun-to-make Omakebites for a bit of an announcement. Just today, Sapphire’s Flight,  Book 3 of The Agartes Epilogues, hit 180,000 words.

I’ve projected it to finish at around 190,000 words and it looks like it’s going to come to that. In any case, the plan right now is to try and finish it as soon as I can–to hell with my daily word count. I’ve bought a couple of cans of Monster Energy drink for the occasion. I don’t care if it kills me–this story is as alive as it ever could be in my head, and it’s begging me to finish it. If I can have this 1st draft complete by Friday, then I can safely pass out for the rest of the weekend.

A part of me feels ecstatic to have come this far. To have planned and written and rewritten and torn my hair out in frustration over this series for the past 13 years, and then see it reach this point…there are no words. I’m also really excited to now get the chance to start on a new project, Annals of the Bitch Queen, which I’ve set aside while I worked on finishing The Agartes Epilogues.

I mean, I have to be honest–I really love these characters, but occasionally I get a little sick of them, too.

A part of me, on the other hand, feels an impending sense of gloom over the emptiness I’m sure to experience when it’s all gone. I’ve internalized this world to a point that it’s spilling out beyond the manuscript, which is why I’ve started with the little tidbits that make up the Omakebites. I’ve had to cut out so much to make this story work. What the hell do I do with myself once all of this is done? What do normal people do when they’re not thinking about their characters or make-believe worlds? What is this social life you speak of?

I mean, I’m supposed to be taking a couple of weeks break before I dive back into this again, although I’m also giving myself some time to generate content for the website and finish some editing work for World Tree Publishing. I figure I’ll probably go fire up my Steam client and play a few games my friends got me for Christmas last year. It’s been a while since I’ve played anything beyond Stronghold. And I’m really looking forward to waking up and not having to drag myself to my office to write.

Now, back to your regularly-scheduled randomness.

Feed my hungry brood. Read The Agartes Epilogues

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