New Site, New Artwork, and Aina’s Breath Cover Reveal

I hope you had a wonderful last couple of weeks! Despite the holidays, we’ve been hard at work to bring a few new things to celebrate the year 2017.

Obviously, the fresh, new site, with new artwork showcasing the world of The Agartes Epilogues. We also have some extras for those who want a bit more of the world and/or can’t wait for Book 2 and 3 to be released. And in case you’re in the mood for a free book, please sign up for our mailing list to get an e-copy of BirthplaceBirthplace was a participant in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award for 2012. I think I got to Round Two before getting pummeled by reviewers who didn’t bother to read the book. (Future rant, but both clearly didn’t read past the first page; one even got the main character’s name wrong). Get it for shits and giggles and let me know your thoughts if you have the time. It’s not epic fantasy, but it’s got monsters and a wise-cracking hero. Best I can give you while you wait for rest of The Agartes Epilogues.

What else? Right; cover reveal for Aina’s Breath.

Ash Navarre’s art is glorious beyond compare. She really has a knack of making scenes come to life. And yes, this is a scene! But I won’t spoil you. You’d have to read to the end of Book 2 to find out all about the fox…


New Year, new beginnings.

I firmly believe in moving forward as best as I can, even when–actually, especially when–I’ve had a particularly difficult year. This year was no different. Although it wasn’t the mind-numbing misery that 2015 had been, 2016 provided me with the circumstances to rise up to the challenge of finally pushing through with my writing career. Not in the half-hearted, “I’m scared to talk to people so I’ll just let them publish the book and sit in the corner twiddling my thumbs,” way I did when Jaeth’s Eye first came out, but the way I’m doing it now–like it’s all that matters.

I guess this sort of thing happens when life strikes you down too many times but your heart just can’t stop fighting. I still have that nagging sense of…of despair, that the stuff I write isn’t good enough, that I’m not going to find my niche audience while I’m alive, that I am the only person who will read deep enough into my manuscripts to understand what I put into it. But then I remember that maybe that’s okay. It could be so much worse: for me to have a chance to express myself through this medium, this craft, that I’ve been working on for most of my life, is more than enough.

So that’s what 2017 is going to be: me, chasing after my dreams, working towards completing all these projects that have been languishing in the background for decades. Not only will Book 2 and 3 of The Agartes Epilogues be released this year, on April 5, 2017, but I’m also hoping to complete all three books of my unfinished project Annals of the Bitch Queen. These are already partially-written and fully-plotted, and are not as long as the individual novels of The Agartes Epilogues, so I think the schedule is perfectly doable (if I don’t drop dead beforehand).

Anyway, thank you for the support, as always, and here’s to a fresh start for us all!