Less Serious Thoughts…Games I’ve Been Playing Lately

I‘m seriously behind on my video gaming. 1st world problems, I know. And it’s a symptom of being an adult.

I got Final Fantasy XV for Christmas from my very-supportive, albeit slightly confused husband (who thought we were back in 2002 and I was still my 15-year-old self, tearing into new release Final Fantasies like I was on crack). It’s an interesting game, for sure, and is quite a lot more fun to play than the last Final Fantasy I picked up (FFXII, a good eleven years ago).

It is, of course, just as cringe-worthy as I remember Final Fantasy games had always been, but it’s not like I expected any less. The glamping scenes made me laugh. The dialogue is uhh…I have to confess, I had to change it back to Japanese because the cringe-worthy aspects were so bad, even my 7-year-old daughter was giving me that look. I had to explain to her that this was a thing, and probably will never show her FFX (that laughing scene!) or FFX-2 (everything about it). The scenery is gorgeous, and certainly very inspiring–part of why I play a lot of fantasy video games is just to put a fire in my imagination for scenes I have trouble with. I’ve been known to play a few hours of Skyrim if I’m having trouble with visualizing something, running a dialogue in my head while I kill dragons or (more likely) steal carrots from peasants.

I’ve also been playing Divinity: Original Sin. Another game that’s really good for jolting my creativity, and the battles are pretty darn good. Challenging, as one can expect from this sort of game. I played the old Baldur’s Gate II by Bioware for the first time a few years back and really enjoyed it…but I sort of rage-quitted after I found out my Orc warrior wasn’t allowed to have a romance. That kind of racism is uncalled for. (I also had to go back to college after having my daughter, but that’s neither here nor there…)