The Writing Schedule From Hell Cont’d…

It’s almost August already. How is it August already? Argh.

So I’ve made the announcement for ARCs of The Wolf of Oren-yaro, which I’m getting ready as we speak. They should be making its way to the printer sometime this week to send out to the lovely people who have unwittingly so very graciously volunteered to be guinea pigs. You guys are awesome. I’m not just buttering you up for good reviews.

In the meantime, I’m finishing up its bloated sequel, which I’m trying to get ready for beta-readers by the end of September. Which means about six weeks of editing, sleepless nights, and the usual massive self-doubt which I always drown out with copious amount of alcohol and whining.

Sometimes I wake up these days and I don’t even remember my name anymore. And it’s like literally the sound of one letter from the alphabet.

Oh, and because if you dip your toe in the lake you might as well jump in, I’m sneaking in a new WIP to be finished this year, before the holidays. I won’t make the announcement yet, but it’s a completely new story with a completely new cast, and a certain popular character may or may not make a cameo. The project is still in the outlining stages, but it’s going to be a shorter, standalone novel (about 80-90k) that’s going to be my sort of vacation before I dive right back in to the third novel of Annals of the Bitch Queen.

I still have every intention of releasing the entire trilogy within a year. Scheduling-wise, The Xiaran Mongrel may end up getting slotted for January 2019, but that’s only because of these little side projects that keep getting in the way.

My husband, lovely man, asked me a couple of days ago if I’m happy doing this. I had to give him a look. “This stories are coming out of me,” I said. “Of course I’m happy.”

“Good,” he said. I think he likes the characters. Some of them, anyway. He loves Talyien and Sume, although he rolls his eyes every time he reads about Enosh. You can’t win ’em all.

Someday, of course, I’ll slow down, but that’s not going to be this year, or the next, or the year after that. I’ve got serieses and characters impatiently stabbing me in the ribs…